Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Expansive Tea

I'm writing this on my bed. Kinda bored and slutty. I just wondering what happened to you. You have changed a lot. Your personality, your friends, your speech, your place of interest, you badass-ness, almost everything. In women, you changed your taste in them. You love women in blonde hair, high heel and sexy. I don't know why, maybe you watch a lot of porn, then you try to get something like that, really rare and beauty stuff. I meant it in future. You love naughty, cute and bad girl. You can get better girl, but you're such a lazy brat to find one. You kind of person who wait for true love. Ha ha. That's funny, though you're a guy. About food, you don't eat cheap food, mean kinda oily or food bought from stall. That's really a good thing. But don't be too choosy, you've to remember where you from. Your laziness has gone real bad till you're so lazy to wake up. You sleep till 5PM. Sleep at 9AM. Ah, so unnatural. You think you were born on the earth to be rich guy and be a lucky person and deserve all the best thing in the world. Ah, maybe you'll get it all. People change. They no longer want poor people. Always want the rich. So bad to be poor. Love to have love. But, you, yourself do not want to try staring any new relationship. In study, you've try so hard, you don't really score. Maybe, there's no luck. Duh. I think it's all because the doggone kills the bean. Get new friends, new life and new world. Don't be so unkind. Living in the same roof all the time, like a frog under the bridge. Ah, so close minded. You should go away and go on the new life. Better your self. Leave all those things behind. They're nothing for you. You're too good to be a loser. You can try delete all the songs you ever heard together. Find new songs. Try to forget them. Find new. Thank God, I manage to do it!

Till then. Dirty Ice Cream. Ha ha.

I think you're changing for good thing. You're choosing as you have taste. Xo.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I miss You!

just now, kud*n came, a very nice and old friend, ever since i was form two in ke. he came all the way out from ipoh just to meet me, that's great! waking me up at 10am, the time i dont usually open my eyes, yet. ha ha. it's okay, for the best friend. cool. we go to school, taking a certificate, then having a little trip around the goddamn old school. it's bad, a lot of changes, i feel semak. ah. no good. we talk about the bad things we did. all the things happen in the past in the school. a lot of memory. next, we boggy around taiping town, a little changes experience by him, a new hotel, new buildings, and a lot more. we go to eat, then and we talk a lot. miss him a lot. ha ha. we go to pakt*m's house, take him and we go to tm college, they play takraw, but i dont. i am kaki bangku. ha ha. i don't do sport. bad. meet plenty of other friend, they kinda miss me. they watch my new hair :D the afro. whoot whoot. love it. i am barai! kinda not enough sleep. a very tired day, go to mamak then. when arrive at my house, taking my brothers and sister + 3 cousins to hot spring pool in changkat. cool though, i play with hot water. very-very hot. and i feel more energetic! then, come back to house and online. bored.

okay, then. bye.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Kenali Selaput Dara


Dalam istilah perubatan, selaput dara dikenali sebagai hymen. Selaput dara ini merupakan satu lipatan selaput lendir yang menutupi pintu bibir vagina perempuan. Ia telah ada sejak bayi perempuan dilahirkan. Kedudukannya adalah diantara satu atau dua cm dari bibir luar vagina dan bentuknya bulat mengikut bentuk liang vagina. Namun begitu ada juga selaput dara yang memiliki bentuk unik seperti bulan sabit ( semilunar ) dan mempunyai pemisah ( septum ). Selaput ini amat tipis dan merupakan membran yang lembut. Secara biologisnya membrane ini tidak berfungsi, tetapi ia mempunyai beban yang berat kerana dinilai sebagai bukti kegadisan seorang perempuan.


TIDAK. Bukan semua wanita mempunyai selaput dara pada vaginanya. Terdapat beberapa kajian yang mendapati ada bayi perempuan lahir tanpa selaput dara.


Biarpun hanya sekadar lapisan lender, selaput dara sangat elastic dan tidak mudah rosak. Selaput dara hanya akan pecah apabila berlakunya hubungan seksual, rawatan perubatan yang dilakukan pada liang vagina, gangguan penyakit pada saluran vagina atau kemalangan dan aktiviti berat yang mempengaruhi alat kelamin perempuan.

Ketebalan selaput dara berbeza di antara satu wanita dengan wanita lainnya. Ada perempuan yang mempunyai selaput dara amat tipis dan mudah koyak oleh aktiviti-aktiviti tertentu seperti berenang, menunggang basikal dan memanjat. Ini semua memecahkan selaput daranya meskipun dia belum pernah melakukan hubungan s*ks. Sebaliknya, ada juga perempuan yang sudah bernikah dan berhubungan s*ks berkali-kali tetapi selaput daranya masih utuh dan tidak koyak kerana selaput daranya begitu elastik.


Salah satu faktor penyebab kerosakan selaput dara adalah hubungan seksual. Dan masyarakat menyatakan seseorang perempuan adalah perawan jika belum pernah melakukan hubungan se*sual. Isu keperawanan yang berhubung dengan selaput dara ini juga berkaitan dengan pendarahan yang terjadi ketika selaput dara koyak. Inilah yang menjadi tanda keperawanan dan kesucian seorang perempuan pada malam pertama.

Seorang wanita dikatakan tidak suci sekiranya tidak mengeluarkan darah ketika malam pertama. Anggapn ini sebenarnya kurang tepat. Perawan atau tidak seseorang gadis itu bukan hanya bergantung pada selaput dara. Tidak semestinya wanita yang tidak mengeluarkan darah ketika malam pertama sudah tercemar kerana selaput dara ini bukan hanya boleh pecah ketika melakukan persetubuhan tetapi juga disebabkan beberapa sebab yang dinyatakan di atas.


Tentu sahaja TIDAK. Ini kerana selaput dara selain terdiri daripada membran yang lembut, ia juga bersifat fleksibel. Mungkin sahaja selaput dara ini melentur sehingga tidak mengeluarkan darah sewaktu melakukan hubungan seksual buat kali pertama.

Malah dalam beberapa kes, didapati ada wanita yang tidak mempunyai selaput dara sejak lahir. Dan ada juga wanita yang memiliki selaput dara yang sangat tipis berbanding wanita-wanita lain sehingga is tidak dapat mengeluarkan darah pada saat melakukan hubungan seksual buat kali pertama. Selain itu, fakta perubatan turut menunjukkan selaput dara hanya memiliki sedikit pembuluh darah. Semakin tipis selaput dara, semakin sedikit darah yang keluar sehingga hampir tidak kelihatan.

Bagi kaum lelaki, janganlah menilai kesucian isteri mereka melalui darah yang dikeluarkan ketika mereka mengadakan hubungan seks untuk kali pertama. Jangan terlalu tipikal dan kuno dalam menangani situasi ini, cubalah berfikiran lebih terbuka dan positif kerana di era millennium ini selaput dara bukanlah indicator utama dalam menentukan kesucian.

Mungkin tuduhan anda ada benarnya iaitu isteri anda sudah tidak suci lagi. Namun mungkin juga wanita yang anda nikahi tidak mempunyai selaput dara atau daranya telah pecah disebabkan aktiviti-aktiviti harian yang telah dilakukannya. Fikirlah dengan rasional. Jangan rosakkan ikatan pernikahan dengan tuduhan melulu yang akhirnya memusnahkan rumah tangga yang dibina.

Jangan lupa berikan komen di bawah ini untuk kita saling bertukar-tukar fikiran. Syukran.

Lost World of Tambun

just now, i went to lost world of tambun, ipoh. i've the second time i go there, after a very long time, it was during the school when i go there for the very first time. got lots of changes, nice places and added some zoo and other things. so malas lah to mention. go by car with four friends. feels so good. watching people in swimsuit. big pervert huh? ha ha. supposed to go at 10, but we go at 12.30. haha. we ate at mac donald when we arrive at ipoh, then continue the journey. we arrive. lots of people. full parking. so stupid, the bus did't know how to park well. experiencing feeding birds and fishes. having a wavy boat on wave. cool. cute guys, cute girls. unfortunate, didn't try all the thing. most time spend on watching people in bikini at hot springs. my body got so hot. we move out at 7 after taking some photos. love it.

sure to make the way again, next time. bye.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Well Know Jews Artist


History of the Jews in Malaysia

Malaysian Jews is a term used to refer to Jews living in Malaysia, or those originally from the country. They mainly live in the state of Penang, but they can also be found elsewhere in the nation, especially in Kuala Lumpur and Malacca. The Malaysian Jews consist mainly of Oriental Jews (the majority of whom are Baghdadi Jews), with the rest being European Jews (Ashkenazi Jews) and possibly Chinese Jews, who fled from Kaifeng, China, during the Communist take-over of mainland China from the Nationalist Chinese in 1949.


Signs of his coming

The following are signs of the forthcoming of Dajjal:[5]

* People will stop offering prayers
* Dishonesty will be the way of life
* Falsehood will become a virtue
* People will mortgage their faith for worldly gains
* Usury and bribery will become legitimate
* Imbeciles would rule over the wise
* Blood of innocents would be shed
* Pride will be taken on acts of oppression
* The rulers will be corrupt
* The scholars will be hypocrites
* Adultery will be rampant
* Women will dress like men, and men will dress like women
* The liars and treacherous will be respected
* There will be acute famine at the time

Islam and Freemasonry

Many Islamic anti-Masonic arguments are closely tied to both Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism, though other criticisms are made such as linking Freemasonry to Dajjal.[77] Some Muslim anti-Masons argue that Freemasonry promotes the interests of the Jews around the world and that one of its aims is to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem after destroying the Al-Aqsa Mosque.[78] In article 28 of its Covenant, Hamas states that Freemasonry, Rotary, and other similar groups "work in the interest of Zionism and according to its instructions ..."[79] Many countries with a significant Muslim population do not allow Masonic establishments within their jurisdictions. However, countries such as Turkey and Morocco have established Grand Lodges,[80] while in countries such as Malaysia[81] and Lebanon[82] there are District Grand Lodges operating under a warrant from an established Grand Lodge.

There was a time when there existed a number of lodges in Iraq as early as 1919, when the first lodge under the UGLE was opened in Basra,[citation needed] and later on when the country was under British Mandate just after the First World War. However the position changed in July 1958 following the Revolution, with the abolition of the Monarchy and Iraq being declared a republic, under General Qasim. The licences permitting lodges to meet were rescinded and later laws were introduced banning any further meetings. This position was later reinforced under Saddam Hussein, the death penalty was "prescribed" for those who "promote or acclaim Zionist principles, including freemasonry, or who associate [themselves] with Zionist organisations."[83] With the fall of the Hussein government in 2003, a number of Lodges have begun to meet on military bases within Iraq. These lodges primarily cater to British and American military units, but a few have initiated Iraqis. Several Grand Lodges have expressed a desire to charter Lodges with completely Iraqi membership in the near future.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Playing games, watching movies, then my heart says "Bored, bored" try to do other thing but my heart says the same thing. Just now i went to somewhere i don't really want to go and often go. I won't mention it because I don't want to. I lost my creativity in writing. So I'm go going to talk crap. It's about a pal. I won't say his name. He's always in my mind though he fuck me a lot. I wonder how to erase it from my random access memory. I try. I don't know.

Monday, December 14, 2009

One night with bitches

It was the day I just return from the Island. It was pretty tired. Samuel asked me to figure out what is wrong with his laptop. I helped. It was not working. So bad. Daniel fetch me from my house. After watching stupid Malaysian ghost movie. Arriving at the house. Playing game after repairing.

We go to bus station. Idk why. It was about to pick them. Real funny. Never met these people. I am still a good boy, though. Ha ha. We go the lake garden after that. A little ride to watch those sissy. Ha ha. Those girls still in the car. They're stink. One of them put on same shirt for two days, told Andre. Pretty bad ass smell. XOXO.

OMG. I won't tell what happened next. We back home at 7AM. Ha ha.

Sky Friend

It's a rainy day out there. It's bored. I decided to write. I will write about something. It's a fact and myth, it could be both, True or false.

It's been a very long time we have been friends. From standard 1. We do stuff together. Ever since the childhood to adult. We happy. But I don't know him well. You and me, me and you, have been friends well. Everything change when we move. We enter college. Together. From the town, to another town. I wish I can know him better earlier. All the friends, we stay together, play, laugh, share.

Everything change when this night happen. I told him not to switch it off. But he was deaf. I was really good that I lost $70. Big money in Ringgit. I scolded. He touched. What the fuck. Then he tell about the badness. The badness, not the goodness. Everything about it. To everybody. All badness. All bad ass. What happened? Reputation to protect. He tell, he planned to all fucker, to take away everything. I happened.

Really good, I know him. He was all about a backstabber. Telling a fat guy to slim, but he is fat. Shit. Plus, a someone who never tell truth. I lost by the count. Telling everybody about myth. It's okay. Someday, the judgment will take place. Are you illiterate nigga? You cannot read between the lines. In the Bible, it says, what goes around, come around. It's just the matter of time. Late or fast. Wish you'll be punished very well. Thank God.

Monday, December 7, 2009

50 Cent ft. Lloyd Banks - Porn Star

(50 Cent -- talking)
I dont even know how to explain it, you know?
You know, from time to time she`s on my mind you know
I mean She`s my kinda girl
You know every now and then you might find somebody you feel
like understands you a lil bit, you know?
It`s all good man

She`s something like a porno star
She`s something like a super freak
I never seen her on tape before
But when she go low she`s a pro-fes-sion-al
My kinda girl
Porno star
She`s something like a super freak
Never seen her on tape before
But when she go low she`s a pro-fes-sion-al

(Lloyd Banks)
Around the Carolina hood see, most niggas called her ho and diss
Cuz she`s slowly growing up to be like her older sister
She got a bad reputation so you don`t hold and kiss her
And after one conversation you`d probly fold in twister
It ain`t hard to tell that honey`s dumb
She`s 18 goin on 21
Mama don`t know where she get her money from
Hoppin in the naughty cars
Stuffed in the backseat
Lookin to score big
Cuz she fucks all the athletes
Somethin like a princess gon wrong
Used to be a ballerina
Now she performs to "The Thong Song"
Happily had plans to enroll in college
Now you`d rather slide down metal poles for dollas
Your fingernails and your toes is polished
But your brain`s on freeze
In other words frozen knowledge
All your plans and your goals - demolished
You grew up in Southside
Why niggas know you a ho in ?Hollis? huh?

Something like a porno star
She`s something like a super freak
I never seen her on tape before
But when she go low she`s a pro-fes-sion-al
My kinda girl
Porno star
She`s something like a super freak
Never seen her on tape before
But when she go low she`s a pro-fes-sion-al
My kinda girl

(Lloyd Banks)
I still remember how it all started
School - cuttin from class
Every boy you knew touching yo` ass
Headed no where fast
I ain`t gon` lie
Shorty I used to laugh
Cuz you was the main topic on ???
I seen her in the mall shoppin
I`m contemplating bout stoppin
Cuz she could get me off like Cochran
Now that dinner was poppin
Spoiled, her daddy was pumpin
He probly thought she`d grow up to get married or somethin
But little did he know
His little princess was a city ho
Pretty, ooh the face
Tight from the video
Damn, this bitch is thick
She on the Lil Kim shit
See her hair match the color of her lipstick
Now this chick claimed to love jewelry like Slick Rick
And had a walk on her that would leave you with a stiff dick
Jeans had a sick fit
To make a long story short
This ain`t the type a bitch you wanna stick with

Porno Star
She`s somethin like a super freak
I never seen her on tape before
But when she go low she`s a pro-fes-sion-al
My kinda girl
Porno star
She`s somethin like a super freak
I never seen her on tape before
But when she go low she`s a pro-fes-sion-al
My kinda girl

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lady Gaga - Monster

Lady Gaga Monster Full Song NEW Exclusive

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

MONSTER DANCE IN THE DARK SPEECHLESS TEETH BAD ROMANCE This is not demo version! Official iTunes Version, The Full Version!

This Song kind of Dangdut2 la ;D

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bored Bored Bored

It's been a long time I haven't write on this purple blog. Too lazy to write and lots of thing to be done. How am I doing? Bored and lazy. LMAO! My holiday is more about sleeping, online, eating and watching movies. Too lazy to go out and have no friends around, they I had, they're running out of money. Pity me! I spend the time with family, loving my family more and more. My sisters, my brothers they're all here except someone. He's on something. During the holiday I feel like to work, when it's too bored, I feel like I want to return to my tall campus. When at the campus, I feel like I want to go back home. Duh, I'm not a grateful son. HA HA.

Hari Raya Aidil Adha was never the same of the previous. I spend more time with relatives, talking with them and eat! Ha Ha. I'm good at eating, but I'm still skinny skeleton. I love it. Eating during making me feel thirsty and hot, subsequently making me sleepy and then sleep. Ha ha. The holiday is about one month and a half, but only one month left. I've been thinking to work, but no more at Legend Cafe. Ah, it's bored. No, there are some of the staffs, but some of them really good. I think I want to work at Photo Shop or Advertising company. Which one is do you think better for me. Nah, it's good to be at photo shop. Chill. But it's all about waking early in the morning. I don't think I can as I watch movie and hanging out on myspace and sleep at 5AM. Then, I wake up at 2PM. How can I wake up early. I can't go seeking job afternoon, it's not good impression at all. I can't probably get the job. I want to work, but there's still not enough confidence in my heart. Probably, I'm just worried and unusual, it's weird!

Online at MySpace was never like before anymore. Lots of new people. Growing up new kids. It's bored keep answering same question and asking away same quote. Duh. I better do some stuff, collecting some money from Internet business. Right? :)

I tried lots of thing, but they're not working very well. Damn it. Then, I feel lazy and give up to try it more. Maybe when I fell like I want to try, I will. Till then, I will write more some other time. Bye.